Big news today, friends. I wrote a book.

Here is a little bit of the story behind how it came to be.

Fellowship Over Followers is about discovering the peace of authentic community in a hurried world of comparison.

Here’s the bottom line: comparison is stealing the joy of deeper intimacy with Jesus and fellowship with one another.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.””

John 13:35


Jesus, guide the way.

This has been my prayer since the beginning, but especially recently.



It’s challenging to encapsulate into words what exactly everything God has done leading up to this point, but the one thing that has remained – and will forever remain…

His faithfulness.

Jesus has guided the way this far.

And He will continue to do so,

as I surrender walking into unknown territory with this book.


In January 2020, a few months before the world drastically changed there was one night when the foundations of this book were being built. I was my mom and we’re both night owls, so we were up late. I didn’t plan to stay up, but suddenly I had a surge of creativity running through me. I had to write it all down. I remember creating a new Google Doc and being so giddy because the Lord was up to something.

He was guiding and preparing the way.

Story after story flooded my mind, and the theme for this book all clicked as I seamlessly drafted the table of contents.

I’m so thankful I paused at that moment around 3 in the morning to look across at my mom sitting at the kitchen table where I grew up and looking back at my screen to know it was the beginning of something daunting and exciting because the Lord was leading the way.

Fast forward a year to October 2021, and the Lord prompted me to begin writing what she has begun. Since November, I have been listening and writing all while looking to my Savior to guide the way.

It hasn’t been perfect, far from it.

But it has been a sweet journey, where He has continued to steady my hand one word at a time.


This book isn’t for me or about me,

it’s all about Him and all about the Gospel.

However He wants to make it known to the world, and He will guide the way.

So if you’ve read this far, here’s what I’m asking you as a fellow believer to do…pray.

Pray for Jesus to continue guiding the way, one word, and step at a time.



Next week, I’ll be revealing the book cover and release date for my upcoming book, Fellowship Over Followers. Join my email list below to join the journey and be the first to see the cover next week!

Grace & Peace,




Addie Ott

Author, Creative & Entrepreneur | Owner of gentle and lowly co.


Addie Ott

Listening, serving, and learning with Jesus

We’re Coming to Grand Rapids!


More Love, More Power. Conference | Final Day Recap